R & D History
Launched groundbreaking fastener sealing tools--GeminiSeal® series, greatly improved the integrity and consistency compared with traditional aircraft bolt sealing methods.
Developed a fireproof thermal insulation composite panel-ThermalBlok combining composite material technology with nano-materials, and the final product was integrated into a new model aircraft design.
Completed the initial development of ePTFE sealing tape for aviation, the manufacturing process was patented, and resulting products have advantageous performat.
Mixing ultra-high conductive properties of carbon nanotubes into the patented ePTFE process, developed the first commercial conductive ePTFE sealing tape.
Integrating and summarizing the new technologies and products developed by the company at that stage, more than 30 patents and other intellectual property applications were submitted.
Developed ePTFE-wrapped tape for phase-stabilized high-frequency coaxial cables.
Developed an ePTFE gasket with much higher interlayer peel strength and met the long-standing aircraft application need.
Found a niche requirement for thermally and electrically conductive thread seals, and developed Gtape as a heat transfer and static dissipation solution for piping systems.
Completed the aerospace ePTFE sealing product line.